Monthly Archives: December 2014

3 posts

EC-SAFEMOBIL – All lights are green in the third review meeting

Brüssel – The third EC-SAFEMOBIL review meeting concluded successfully for the EC-SAFEMOBIL consortium. After examining the progress in the areas of unmanned aerial vehicle landing and autonomous warehousing the reviewers of the European Commission deemed the likelihood that the project will archive the expected results and outlined objectives as high, […]

SmartKYE – Second Review Successful

The SmartKYE project (Smart Grid Key Neighborhood Indicator Cockpit) has shown good progress in the second project review conducted on site of one of the demonstration areas in Heraklion, Crete. SmartKYE’s strategic goal is to develop a system for the future smart grid neighbourhood that will enable better business decisions […]

Patent-registered Localisation services

Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón has published an article about patent-registered localisation Services titled "Wo bin ich" (engl. Where am I) in the Magazin UNIKATE, reports from research and lecture, released by the University Duisburg-Essen, Edition 46/2014. Find the whole article here.