Visiting scholar – Dr. Rasit Eskicioglu, from University of Manitoba, Canada

We were pleased to have Dr. Rasit Eskicioglu with us for six months, from June 15th to December 23rd 2014. We greatly benefited from his expertise on wireless radio technologies during his visit. We have fruitful discussions on Internet of Things (IoT), and initiated development of a universal gateway solution for data collection in smart spaces from a variety of communication protocols: ANT+, Bluetooth LE, WiFi, and ZigBee. We are discussing about other projects, which includes development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) applications based on the gateway solution.
Dr. Eskicioglu gave a short seminar course on ANT+ Radio Technology for our undergraduate students, where the students developed an Android application that collects data from various ANT+ fitness devices and displays the activities of users based on the collected data.
Dr. Rasit Eskicioglu considers himself as a hands-on (experimental) researcher. His general focus is mainly on Computer Systems, including distributed, cluster and grid computing, high speed network interconnects, mobile networks. Most recently, he is working on projects involving pervasive computing and wireless sensor networks. 
Find more Information about Dr. Rasit Eskicioglu here.