Winter Term 2011/12

Computer Architecture Lab

Tutor: Marcus Handte
The lab extends the lecture Computer Architecture with practical experiments. During the experiments, participants of the lab will implement programs for an ATMEL micro-controller using assembler and C. The lab provides participants with hands-on experience on software development for simple embedded systems. At the end of the lab, participants will be able to interpret the product documentation of a micro-controller to an extent that enables them to develop applications.

This course wil be managed using the moodle system of the university. Please register now at the moodle page of the course. Make sure to use an email address that you are checking regularly. The subscription password is “calwt1112”. If you have problems subscribing to the course, send an email to

The kickoff meeting for this lab takes place on Tuesday, October 11th between 18.00h and 20.00h in room BC 523. Participation in this meeting is mandatory.

Context Recognition Seminar

Tutor: Marcus Handte
Nowadays, most devices are equipped with differnt types of networking technology and a broad spectrum of sensors. Examples include gyroscopes, accelerometers, cameras, and microphones. To provide better task support, future applications will have to use the sensors of multiple devices to determine the state of their environment in an automated fashion. This requires novel software systems and signal processing algorithms to derive high-level context information from low-level sensor readings.

The seminar topics will cover a selection of systems and algorithms to recognize different types of context. Furthermore, they cover supportive architectures and protocols to recognize context in a distributed manner. Thereby, the seminar focuses on light-weight approaches that can be implemented on resource-poor devices. Participants will be able to select their topic of choice from the set of available topics.

This seminar is suitable for students at the master level. Participants will have to do a literature research and they will have to create a written high quality report. Furthermore, they will have to give an oral presentation of their topics. Note that it is not possible to combine this seminar with the context recognition with mobile devices project. Please also note that the maximum number of participants is limited. Depending on the number and type of participants, this seminar might be given in English and German. If you want to participate in the seminar, please send an email to

The kickoff meeting for this seminar will take place on Thursday, October 13th between 10.30h and 12.00h in BC504. Participation in this meeting is mandatory.

Context Recognition with Mobile Devices Project

Tutor: Marcus Handte 
More and more mobile devices are equipped with a broad variety of sensors such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, video cameras, and microphones. To provide better task support, future applications will have to use these sensors to determine the state of their environment unobtrusively. As a simple example consider smart phones that are deactivating the touch screen when they detect that the user is holding them close to his ear.

In more complicated scenarios, this requires applications to “make sense” of the multitude of inputs received at any point in time. To simplify this task, the participants will develop a software system that is able to automatically categorize different situations. This system will be developed for and tested on Android-based mobile phones which will be given out to the participants. Due to the use of Android as operating system, participants should be able to program in Java.

This course may be held in German and English depending on the number and type of participants. The project is suitable for students at the bachelor and the master level. However, the course contents and the requirements for passing are different depending on the level. As a consequence, it is not possible to create mixed teams. If you are not sure whether you fulfill the requirements or if you want to participate in the project, please send an email to 

The kickoff meeting for this project will take place on Thursday, October 13th between 9.00h and 10.30h in BC504. Participation in this meeting is mandatory.

Embedded Systems

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Lab Tutor: Hugues Smeets
This lecture and the associated practical lab convey the fundamentals of system-level embedded systems application development. The lecture provides a brief review of embedded systems applications and hardware. The covered topics include: microcontroller architecture, memory, I/O, Interrupts and Timers, ADC/DAC, and several examples of Operation Systems for Embedded Systems.

The lab exercises will provide hand-on experience in microcontroller (ATmega 169) programming and the Android application development. Students are required to have basic knowledge about C and Java. For more information about the lab exercises, please contact Hugues Smeets.

The first lecture will take place in Room LE 105 at 10:00h on Thursday, October 20, 2011. The access key to the moodle page of the lecture/lab will be announced in the first lecture.

The first lab will take place in Room BC 103 at 16:00h on Wednesday, October 26, 2010. The access key to the moodle page of the lab will be announced in the first lecture.

Grundlegende Programmiertechniken / Programmierung in Java

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Übungen: Richard Figura, Ramin Soleymani

Bitte beachten:

  • Die erste Vorlesungsstunde findet am Mittwoch den 19.10.2011 zwischen 12 – 14 Uhr in Raum LB 107 statt.
  • In der ersten Vorlesungsstunde werden die Zugangsdaten für die Moodle-Seite bekannt gegeben.
  • Die Vorlesung im kommendem Wintersemester ist für Kommediastudenten freigegeben.

Inhalt der Vorlesung:

In dieser Vorlesung werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken in einer objektorientierten, modernen Programmiersprache (Java) besprochen.
Inhalte im Einzelnen:

  • Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen
  • Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Ausdrücke und Anweisungen
  • Objektorientierte Programmierung: Klassen, Methoden, Vererbung, Interfaces, Abstrakte Klassen
  • Standard und Utilityklassen
  • Generische Datentypen – Anwendung von Standardtypen
  • Ausnahmebehandlung
  • Ein- und Ausgabe mittels Streams
  • Graphische Oberflächen – Einführung
  • Ereignisbehandlung
  • Anwendung der JSDK Utility Programme (Javadoc etc.)

Die Übungen sollen die Studenten anregen die in der Vorlesung gelernten theoretischen Konzepte praktisch anzuwenden. Dabei werden grundlegende Programmierkenntnisse erworben und die Studenten in die Lage versetzt einfache Programmieraufgaben selbstständig zu bearbeiten. Zusätzlich zu den Übungen werden Tutorien angeboten, welche Studenten mit besonderem Lernbedarf weiter unterstützen und die Inhalte der Vorlesung frühzeitig wiederholen.

Einträge im LSF: Vorlesung und Übung

Moodle-Seite mit Materialien

Networked Embedded Systems Seminar

Tutor: The researchers of NES
This seminar aims to familiarize student with important research topics related to collaborating embedded devices in the areas of pervasive computing and sensor networks. The covered topics include: context-aware systems and algorithm, energy-efficient routing, localization, sensing coverage and communication connectivity, multi-channel communication, sensor networks simulation, sensor network monitoring, modeling techniques on radio models, mobility models and sensing modalities, context recognition, activity recognition, context privacy, location detection using different technologies, signal processing, etc.

This seminar is offered on the bachelor level. The student needs to select one of above topics and to perform in-depth research study on the chosen topic. By the end of the semester, the student is required to turn in a well-written report and to prepare an oral presentation to demonstrate the result of the study. The seminar is given in English and German.

If you want to take part in the seminar, please write an e-mail to Umer Iqbal, with the topics that you are interested in, he will give you further information to the kick-off meetings.

Wireless Sensor Networks Project

Tutor: Chia-Yen Shih
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been widely deployed in many application domains including environmental monitoring, surveillance, healthcare, automation control and more. A typical WSN consists of a set of low-powered and inexpensive embedded sensor devices with specific sensing modalities and with computation as well as communication capabilities. These devices collaborate with each other by exchanging data through energy-efficient, short-range radio. The application provides its services by manipulating the sensory data collected by the deployed WSN.

In this project, you will learn how to develop an integrated application providing services by making use of a WSN. The topics that will be covered include:

  • Wireless sensor system programming
  • Sensory data collection
  • Data delivery and communication through IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee networks
  • Interfacing between the user and the deployed WSN

For further information about the project, please contact Chia-Yen Shih at

The kickoff meeting for this project will take place on Wednesday, 05.10.2011 between 16.00h and 17.00h  in BC504. Participation in this meeting is mandatory.

Wireless Sensor Networks Seminar

Tutor: Chia-Yen Shih
This seminar aims to familiarize student with important research topics in Wireless Sensor Networks. The covered topics include: routing, localization, sensing coverage and communication connectivity, multi-channel communication, sensor networks simulation, modeling techniques on radio models, mobility models and sensing modalities, camera sensor networks.

This seminar is offered as a master seminar. The student needs to select one of above topics and to perform in-depth research study on the chosen topic. By the end of the semester, the student is required to turn in a well-written report and to prepare an oral presentation to demonstrate the result of the study.

The first meeting for the seminar will take place in Room BC504, at 16:00 (until 17:00), on Tuesday, October 04, 2011. It is mandatory to attend the first meeting in order to participate the seminar.