New Project – InnaMoRuhr

In a multidisciplinary consortium of social, economic and engineering sciences, researchers from the three UA Ruhr universities are investigating the question of how the sustainability of mobility in the Ruhr area can be improved. Funded by the Ministry of Transport of NRW, the project will develop a concept for integrated sustainable mobility among the members of the University Alliance Ruhr and will validate it using simulation and field trials.

The goal is to improve the connectivity among the four locations of the Universitätsallianz Ruhr (UA Ruhr), Duisburg, Essen, Bochum and Dortmund, close gaps in services and thus, permanently change the mobility behaviour of students as well as employees. Besides from determining the mobility needs, the project is developing scenarios that will be tested in in simulation and field trials. Local emission-free technologies, e.g. electric shuttles, as well as on-demand services and other novel and innovative forms of mobility are serving as the project’s starting point.

Partners of the project are:

Johannes Weyer, Techniksoziologie


Heike Proff, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre & Internationales Automobilmana­ge­ment
Pedro José Marrón, Lehrstuhl Networked Embedded Systems
Petra Stein / Prof. Frank Kleemann, Institut für Soziologie


Michael Roos, Lehrstuhl für Makroökonomik
Constantinos Sourkounis, Institut für Energiesystemtechnik und Leistungsmechatronik