Paper accepted at 15th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 18)

Paper details:
Richard Figura, Matteo Ceriotti, Sascha Jungen, Sascha Hevelke, Tobias Hagemeier, Pedro José Marrón: Morpheus: Simulate Reality for the Orchestration of Deployed Networked Embedded Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) realise sensing and actuating infrastructures available for diverse applications with disparate requirements. These systems intertwine with the surrounding environment, making system performance difficult to foresee. During and after deployment, the ability to operate and validate the infrastructure is hampered by the limited visibility and the costs of testing alternative configurations. We propose Morpheus, a framework able to analyse the performance of the target application in a faithful simulation. By calibrating the models with real measurements, Morpheus can compute a virtual copy of the target system and reason about it. In particular, the visibility over the system state allows a thorough analysis of performance bottlenecks. Furthermore, the impact of alternative reconfiguration strategies can be tested beforehand. We instantiate our ideas in a prototype, with which we show that Morpheus can suggest which nodes to activate in a physical infrastructure to control the application performance.

15th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 18), February 14 – 16 2018, Madrid, Spain.
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