PLANET Final Review, Successful Project Completion

The PLANET project has defined and developed an integrated framework solution for Cooperating Object (CO) deployment and management using autonomous unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. The capability of the PLANET framework covers communication and software/hardware support for user requirement specification and system status visualization, pre-deployment planning, CO deployment using autonomous vehicles, deployed network management and failure recovery. New techniques were developed during the project to address new features of COs (UAVs, UGVs and sensors, etc.) to carry out above functionality of the framework.
The PLANET team has validated our integrated solution with two different applications: Environment Monitoring in Doñana Biological Reserve (DBR) and Automated Airfield applications. The use cases of the DBR application include pollution monitoring, wild horse tracking, bird documentary and insect capturing in DBR, while the scenarios for the airfield application consist of automated services for UAV taking off and landing, airfield perimeter surveillance, network monitoring and recovery. A numerous set of experiments were successfully conducted in DBR and ATLAS, Spain with real-life conditions. 
For more details about the PLANET project and dissemination materials including videos, please visit the project website: