Seven partners from three countries – universities, research institutions, and companies – have collaborated for 30 months in this project investigating an advanced integrated system to manage energy efficiency in neighbourhoods from a holistic perspective. Using a federated approach that takes into account that a large number of isolated systems that gather information from energy systems and manage them already exists, the project focuses on integrating these systems on a higher level.
NES led the development of the SmartKYE platform that enables the cooperation among heterogeneous institutions such as energy producers (with special focus on renewable energy), energy service companies, and consumers. The platform allows energy management systems to provide information and enable control that is used by cockpits – within the project a business cockpit and a technical management and control cockpit have been developed. This allows the management of production and consumption to increase energy efficiency and to make better use of the less deterministic output of renewable energy sources such as wind or solar energy to reduce CO2 emissions.
For more information please visit the website of the project at