
156 posts

Paper Accepted at Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC2020)

Title: Quantifying the Impact of the Physical Setup of Stereo Camera Systems on Distance Estimations Authors: Alexander J. Golkowski, Marcus Handte, Peter Roch, Pedro J. Marrón Conference: 2020 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC) Date: November 9-11, 2020 Publisher: IEEE Abstract: The ability to perceive the environment accuratelyis […]

Paper Accepted at 15th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2020

Authors: Bijan Shahbaz Nejad, Peter Roch, Marcus Handte, Pedro José Marrón Title: A Driver Guidance System to Support the Stationary Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles Conference: 15th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2020 Publisher: Springer Abstract: Air pollution is a problem in many cities. Although it is possible to […]

Paper Accepted at 15th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2020

Authors: Peter Roch, Bijan Shahbaz Nejad, Marcus Handte, Pedro José Marrón Title: Systematic Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines Using GPUs Conference: 15th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2020 Publisher: Springer Abstract: Real-time computer vision systems require fast and efficient image processing pipelines. Experiments have shown that GPUs are highly […]

GUIDE Start-Up-Gründungszentrum gestartet

Pressestelle der UDE: Erstklassige Forschung gibt es an der UDE in vielen Bereichen. Dass dabei gute Start-Up-Ideen und die Gründenden von morgen zusammenfinden, bestmöglich begleitet von Mentoren, ist ab sofort die Aufgabe des zentralen Gründungszentrums GUIDE. Der soeben konstituierte Vorstand will insbesondere für die wichtige Startphase schnell Strukturen etablieren. „Mit […]

New Project – GUIDE REGIO

In August 2019, the “Gründungen und Innopreneurship der Universität Duisburg-Essen” (GUIDE) center was established as part of the Science Support Center (SSC) to support the establishment of start-ups within the university. The GUIDE REGIO project aims at strengthening and professionalizing the activities carried out by the center within the scope […]

Tests of the TALAKO Positioning System

Although the construction of the TALAKO prototype system has not yet been completed, the tests for vehicle positioning are already in full swing. For the tests, researchers from NES have trained an artificial neural network to recognize various features of a vehicle. In addition to the wheels, the features also […]

New Project – InnaMoRuhr

In a multidisciplinary consortium of social, economic and engineering sciences, researchers from the three UA Ruhr universities are investigating the question of how the sustainability of mobility in the Ruhr area can be improved. Funded by the Ministry of Transport of NRW, the project will develop a concept for integrated […]

FAIR Android App for Temperature Data Acquisition

A goal of the FAIR project is to improve the data basis of the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD). In this context, researchers from NES are investigating the suitability of modern cell phones for the automated acquisition of temperature data at a large scale. As a basis for this investigation, researches from […]

FAIR Instructions for Building an Arduino-based Weather Station

A goal of the FAIR project is to improve the data basis of the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD). In this context, researchers from NES are investigating the suitability of simple IoT devices for the automated acquisition of temperature data at a large scale. As a basis for the investigation, a construction […]

FAIR Temperature Services

A goal of the FAIR project is to improve the data basis of the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD). In this context, researchers from NES are investigating the suitability of stationary and mobile devices for the automated acquisition of temperature data at a large scale. The technical basis for the processing of […]