Summer Term 2023

6 posts

Bachelor Project: Vision-based Traffic Scene Surveillance

Tutors: Bijan Shahbaz Nejad and Peter Roch The goal of this bachelor project is to familiarize students with basic problems related to the surveillance of traffic-scenes. Within the project, participants will be implementing different surveillance-related tasks, such as speeding detection on highways or parking lot monitoring. Thereby, students will get […]

Seminar: Social Robotics

Tutors: Carlos Medina Sánchez, Simon Janzon Have you ever watched a movie where robots and persons share the same environment, collaborating together in a natural and socially-acceptable manner? Have you asked yourself which technological background would be required for making such futuristic vision possible in reality? In this seminar, we are […]

Programmierung A / B

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte, Alexander J. Golkowski In dieser Vorlesung werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken in einer objektorientierten, modernen Programmiersprache (Java) besprochen. Inhalte im Einzelnen: Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Ausdrücke und Anweisungen Objektorientierte Programmierung: Klassen, Methoden, Vererbung, Interfaces, Abstrakte […]

Project Group: Web-based Organization Mining

Tutors: Dr. Marcus Handte, Arman Arzani An important goal of many universities is to increase the number of startups that transform innovative research results of the university into sustainable businesses. To reach this goal, it is necessary to connect the researchers that have generated promising results with the business advisors […]

Kommunikationsnetze 2

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Übungen: Bijan Shahbaz Nejad und Peter Roch In dieser Vorlesung werden Aspekte, Funktionen und Kommunikationsprotokolle TCP/IP-basierter Netze behandelt. Dabei werden einerseits bereits in „Kommunikationsnetze 1“ angesprochene Themen vertieft, andererseits werden aber auch dort nicht behandelte, für das heutige Internet wichtige Themenbereiche behandelt. Inhalte im […]

Pervasive Computing

Lectures and Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte This lecture at the Master level covers the fundamentals of past and recent pervasive computing research with a specific focus on the following areas: System-support and programming abstractions for adaptive distributed applications Recognition, modelling and management aspects of contextual information Novel user interface examples and […]