Daily Archives: 2019-02-18

7 posts

Programmierung A / B

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte, Sascha Jungen In dieser Vorlesung werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken in einer objektorientierten, modernen Programmiersprache (Java) besprochen. Inhalte im Einzelnen: Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Ausdrücke und Anweisungen Objektorientierte Programmierung: Klassen, Methoden, Vererbung, Interfaces, Abstrakte Klassen, […]

Bachelor Project: Android-based Robot Control

Tutor: Marcus Handte, Alexander Golkowski TurtleBot 3 is a low-cost, open source robot kit that can be used to realize a broad spectrum of different robotic applications. A TurtleBot typically integrates different actuators, e.g. motors that drive the robot’s wheels, sensors, e.g. a LIDAR or an IMU, a base controller […]

Sensor Networks

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Matteo Ceriotti This lecture describes the fundamental concepts of sensor networks and how they differ from traditional networked systems that do not take energy and resource constraints into account. During the experiments, the students will deal with real-world deployments of sensor networks […]

Kommunikationsnetze 2

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Matteo Ceriotti In dieser Vorlesung werden Aspekte, Funktionen und Kommunikationsprotokolle TCP/IP-basierter Netze behandelt. Dabei werden einerseits bereits in „Kommunikationsnetze 1“ angesprochene Themen vertieft, andererseits werden aber auch dort nicht behandelte, für das heutige Internet wichtige Themenbereiche behandelt. Inhalte im Einzelnen: Überblick über […]

Seminar Location Based Services

Tutor: Stephan Wagner Since the beginning of the century, the ubiquity of accurate location information in outdoor settings and the growing availability of mobile devices such as smartphones has led to the development of a plethora of location-based services and applications. In 2007 Raper et al. define location-based services (LBS) […]

Project Group: See´In

Tutor: Dr. Matteo Ceriotti and Sascha Jungen Have you ever had problems connecting to the Internet with your smartphone due to a weak or non-existing WiFi signal? What if you could see those wireless signals in the environment and utilise them, e.g., to find a more beneficial spot for either your […]

Pervasive Computing

Lecturer: Dr. Marcus Handte, Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte   This lecture at the Master level covers the fundamentals of past and recent pervasive computing research with a specific focus on the following four areas: System-support and programming abstractions for adaptive distributed applications Recognition, modelling and management aspects of contextual information Novel user interface […]