Summer Term 2021

Bachelor Project: Social Robotics

Tutor: Dr. Matteo Zella, Carlos Medina Sánchez

Put yourself in the “shoes” of a robot meeting a person on its way… How would you understand what is the person doing and what his/her goals are? How would you plan your actions in this social context? How would you interact with others to be sure that you can achieve your own goals?

If one thinks about it, this situation is common in our everyday life. From the perspective of a robot, however, handling such “simple” task involves: (1) the perception of the physical surrounding and of the behavior of people moving in it; (2) the planning of appropriate actions to accomplish some goal while matching the expectations of how individuals should behave in a social context; (3) the interactions between humans and robots or between robots alone to ensure that a goal can be achieved, maybe in collaboration with each other.

In this project, after an initial set of tutorials on specific programming tools and robotic platforms, the participants will (1) identify a specific social context in which a robot would need to achieve a particular goal, e.g., delivering a packet to somebody in an office, (2) implement the corresponding software services, and (3) test them in a simulation scenario.

Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, the project will be held as a virtual course with weekly online group meetings. To learn how to program robots and test the implemented solutions, a simulation environment including persons will be provided.

Participants in this course are expected to be highly motivated. This course will be taught in English. The project is suitable for students at the bachelor level. If you are not sure whether you fulfill the requirements or if you have any questions, please contact us.

UPDATE: Considering the number of requests, we have decided to extend the scope of the project to cover also web and mobile development in the context of social robotics. Java or Python can also be used instead of C/C++ to interact with the robots. Therefore, a solid C/C++ background is not necessary in order to join the project.

If you want to participate in this course or you want to know about the project, please send an email to to indicate your interest.  On Monday 19.04. at 11am we will hold a kickoff meeting to discuss the content of the project and answer your questions (a link to the online meeting will be sent via Email to the students who contact us). After the meeting, the students who decide to join the project will be added to a Moodle course where further informations will be provided.

Find information in LSF.

Kommunikationsnetze 2

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Matteo Zella
In dieser Vorlesung werden Aspekte, Funktionen und Kommunikationsprotokolle TCP/IP-basierter Netze behandelt. Dabei werden einerseits bereits in „Kommunikationsnetze 1“ angesprochene Themen vertieft, andererseits werden aber auch dort nicht behandelte, für das heutige Internet wichtige Themenbereiche behandelt. Inhalte im Einzelnen:

  • Überblick über Grundbegriffe der technischen Kommunikation, der geschichteten Protokollarchitekturen und das OSI-Referenzmodell
  • Routing und Routing-Protokolle
  • Mechanismen und Protokolle der Transportschicht
  • Infrastruktur-Protokolle
  • Drahtlose und mobile Netzwerke
  • Internet der Dinge

Praktische Übungen vertiefen die theoretischen Grundlagen durch die Verwendung und Implementierung von Protokollen und Anwendungen, deren Schwerpunkt die Netzwerkkommunikation darstellt. Dadurch können die in der Vorlesung vorgestellten Inhalte im realen System erprobt werden, um Praxiskenntnisse im Umgang mit den vorgestellten Konzepten und Protokollen zu erwerben.

Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation bezüglich COVID-19 findet Kommunikationsnetze 2 in diesem Semester als virtuelle Veranstaltung statt. Die wöchentlichen Veranstaltungen (Vorlesung und Übung) werden als Videoaufzeichnungen bereitgestellt. Die Kommunikation bei Fragen erfolgt über Foren, sowie in Form von Webkonferenzen und Online-Sprechstunden.

Um an dem Kurs teilzunehmen, auf das Kursmaterial zuzugreifen und um Benachrichtigungen mit weiteren Informationen zu erhalten, melden Sie sich bitte auf der Moodle Seite des Kurses an. Der Registrierungsschlüssel lautet KN2L21 und die Selbstregistrierung ist bis zum 1. Mai über Ihr Studentenkonto möglich. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an

Weitere Informationen:

Pervasive Computing

Lectures and Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte

This lecture at the Master level covers the fundamentals of past and recent pervasive computing research with a specific focus on the following areas:

  • System-support and programming abstractions for adaptive distributed applications
  • Recognition, modelling and management aspects of contextual information
  • Novel user interface examples and guidelines for pervasive computing applications

Students participating in this course should have at least basic knowledge in the areas of networking and database technology. Knowledge in machine learning and human-computer-interaction could be beneficial but is not mandatory.

The practical exercises will focus system-support for adaptive distributed applications. As part of the exercises, students will be developing a communication middleware for spontaneously networked devices using an object-oriented programming language such as Java or C#.

Place and Time:

Due to the contact restrictions caused by the Corona virus, we will provide a virtual replacement for the regular lecture. In particular, we will be using recorded screen casts to replace the lectures and live Q&A sessions for the exercises. For the exam, we will offer an oral exam that can be taken at the university or remotely via some video conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

More Information:

To participate in the course, please register at the Moodle page of the course. The subscription password is PCL21 and the self-registration will close on April 19th, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact

LSF entry: Lecture und Excercise

Programmierung A / B

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte, Sascha Jungen
In dieser Vorlesung werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken in einer objektorientierten, modernen Programmiersprache (Java) besprochen.
Inhalte im Einzelnen:

  • Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen
  • Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Ausdrücke und Anweisungen
  • Objektorientierte Programmierung: Klassen, Methoden, Vererbung, Interfaces, Abstrakte Klassen, Polymorphismus
  • Standard und Utilityklassen
  • Ein- und Ausgabe mittels Streams
  • Ausnahmebehandlung
  • Rekursion
  • Datenstrukturen: Zeichenketten, Listen und Stapel, Suchbäume, Assoziative Datenfelder
  • Generische Datentypen – Anwendung von Standardtypen
  • Graphische Oberflächen – Einführung und Ereignisbehandlung

Die Übungen sollen die Studierenden anregen die in der Vorlesung gelernten theoretischen Konzepte praktisch anzuwenden. Dabei werden grundlegende Programmierkenntnisse erworben und die Studierenden in die Lage versetzt einfache Programmieraufgaben selbstständig zu bearbeiten. Zusätzlich zu den Übungen werden Tutorien angeboten, welche Studierende mit besonderem Lernbedarf weiter unterstützen und die Inhalte der Vorlesung frühzeitig wiederholen.

Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation bezüglich COVID-19 findet die Programmierung in diesem Semester als virtuelle Veranstaltung statt. Die wöchentlichen Veranstaltungen (Vorlesung und Übung) werden als Videoaufzeichnungen bereitgestellt. Die Kommunikation bei Fragen erfolgt über Foren, sowie in Form von Webkonferenzen und Online-Sprechstunden. Weitere Informationen zur Organisation sind auf der Moodleseite des Kurses zu finden (Kurs verfügbar ab 12.04.).
Das Passwort zum Kursbeitritt lautet: A/B-Prog-SoSe2021

Eintrag in LSF: Programmierung A, Programmierung B, Übung und Testate

Seminar: Intelligent Web

Tutors: Dr. Matteo Zella, Arman Arzani

Artificial intelligence has been conquering the industry in the last decade. It powers most of today’s high-tech products. It fuels our smartphone’s speech/face recognition, ranks our web search results as in a simple google search, and recommends relevant videos and content to its users. It even beats the world champion at the game of Go. Before we know it, it will be driving our car into the sunset.

In this seminar, we will be examining the artificial intelligence behind the world wide web, investigating AI-based search and recommendation engines. Considering the immensity of AI, we will narrow it down to a sub-genre of AI: “web-based AI”. There we would tackle a variety of topics such as natural language detection, voice-based search, technology and innovation index prediction, recommendation-based systems, AI in search engines, User experience, and chatbot reply predictions.

Based on the number of participants, the seminar will be organized as a set of scientific papers on selected topics, which are distributed by us. The topics are then selected and worked on by participants based on areas of interest. At the end of the seminar, each student holds a presentation as well as write a scientific survey on the topic.

Due to the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19, the seminar kickoff meeting will be held in an online format on April, 19th from 10 to 12. In order to join the kickoff meeting and the course, it is necessary for the participants to send an email to for the initial registration. You will then be added to the Moodle course, where the procedures and the seminar material will be made available.

This seminar is suitable for students at the bachelor level. The students attending this seminar can prepare their material in either English or German, depending on their language preference. Please also note that the maximum number of participants is limited. If you have questions regarding this seminar, please send an email to

Find further information in LSF.