
200 posts

Bachelor Project: Social Robotics

Tutor: Dr. Matteo Zella, Carlos Medina Sánchez Put yourself in the “shoes” of a robot meeting a person on its way… How would you understand what is the person doing and what his/her goals are? How would you plan your actions in this social context? How would you interact with […]

Pervasive Computing

Lectures and Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte This lecture at the Master level covers the fundamentals of past and recent pervasive computing research with a specific focus on the following areas: System-support and programming abstractions for adaptive distributed applications Recognition, modelling and management aspects of contextual information Novel user interface examples and […]

Bachelor Project: Vision-based Robot Control

Tutor: Alexander Golkowski, Peter Roch, Bijan Shahbaz Nejad The goal of this bachelor project is to familiarize students with basic problems related to the control of autonomous mobile robots. Within the project, participants will be implementing the control logic of a mobile robot that can perceive its environment through different […]

Rechnerstrukturen und Betriebssysteme

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Übungen: Sascha Jungen, Valentin Fitz Die Vorlesung ist zweigeteilt. Die Vorlesungsinhalte mit dem Schwerpunkt Rechnerstrukturen werden vom Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Stefan Schneegaß vermittelt, die Inhalte mit dem Schwerpunkt Betriebssysteme vom Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Pedro Marrón. Folgende Qualifikationen werden in der Vorlesung vermittelt Die Studierenden […]

Systemnahe Informatik (Systems Programming)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Matteo Zella Differently from application programming, whose focus is to develop software providing services to the user, systems programming addresses software that interacts with computer systems. In this sense, systems programming exposes the dependency between software and the hardware executing it and […]

Programmieren in C/C++

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Übungen: Marcus Handte Die Veranstaltung (2V+2Ü) setzt die in den vorherigen Semestern gelernten grundlegenden Konzepte und Methoden der objektorientierten Programmierung (OOP) in C++ um. Inhalte im Einzelnen: OO-Analyse, -Design und -Modellierung mit UML C++ als Erweiterung von C Zeigerkonzepte Klassen, Klassen-Hierarchien, einfache und mehrfache […]

Seminar: Intelligent Web

Tutors: Dr. Matteo Zella, Arman Arzani Artificial intelligence has been conquering the industry in the last decade. It powers most of today’s high-tech products. It fuels our smartphone’s speech/face recognition, ranks our web search results as in a simple google search, and recommends relevant videos and content to its users. […]

Pervasive Computing

Lectures and Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte This lecture at the Master level covers the fundamentals of past and recent pervasive computing research with a specific focus on the following areas: System-support and programming abstractions for adaptive distributed applications Recognition, modelling and management aspects of contextual information Novel user interface examples and […]

Programmierung A / B

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercises: Dr. Marcus Handte, Sascha Jungen In dieser Vorlesung werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken in einer objektorientierten, modernen Programmiersprache (Java) besprochen. Inhalte im Einzelnen: Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Ausdrücke und Anweisungen Objektorientierte Programmierung: Klassen, Methoden, Vererbung, Interfaces, Abstrakte Klassen, […]