Winter Term 2010/11

6 posts

Context Recognition Seminar

Tutor: Marcus Handte  Nowadays, most devices are equipped with differnt types of networking technology and a broad spectrum of sensors. Examples include gyroscopes, accelerometers, cameras, and microphones. To provide better task support, future applications will have to use the sensors of multiple devices to determine the state of their environment in an automated fashion. This requires novel software […]

Context Recognition with Mobile Devices Project

Tutor: Marcus Handte  More and more mobile devices are equipped with a broad variety of sensors such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, video cameras, and microphones. To provide better task support, future applications will have to use these sensors to determine the state of their environment unobtrusively. As a simple example consider smart […]

Computer Architecture Lab

Tutor: Marcus Handte The lab extends the lecture Computer Architecture with practical experiments. During the experiments, participants of the lab will implement programs for an ATMEL micro-controller using assembler and C. The lab provides participants with hands-on experience on software development for simple embedded systems. At the end of the lab, participants […]

Wireless Sensor Network Seminar

Tutor: Chia-Yen Shih This seminar aims to familiarize student with important research topics in Wireless Sensor Networks. The covered topics include: routing, localization, sensing coverage and communication connectivity, multi-channel communication, sensor networks simulation, modeling techniques on radio models, mobility models and sensing modalities, camera sensor networks. This seminar is offered […]

Sensor Networks

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Exercise Tutor: Chia-Yen Shih This lecture describes the fundamental concepts of sensor networks and how they differ from traditional networked systems that do not take energy and resource constraints into account. During the experiments, the students will deal with real-world deployments of sensor networks […]

Embedded Systems

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pedro José Marrón, Lab Tutor: Chia-Yen Shih This lecture and the associated practical lab convey the fundamentals of system-level embedded systems application development. The lecture provides a brief review of embedded systems applications and hardware. The covered topics include: microcontroller architecture, memory, I/O, Interrupts and Timers, ADC/DAC, […]